Based on your birth chart we will be looking at the forecasting for the year(s) ahead. This includes looking at relevant happenings in your life right now as indicated by the current planetary transits. This can occur when the movement of planets in the sky make connections with and activate meaningful points in your birth chart.
Sometimes these activations reveal certain themes going on in your life which can feel like facing big life changes. Sometimes change is exactly what is needed and even called for. Often changes represent seasons in our lives that might lead to a culmination that brings transformation on an outer level (moving house, changing job, start a new study, marriage, divorce etc) as well as inner level like addressing our childhood conditioning, primal tendencies and gut-reactions that can provoke major life changes for us when we actively work with them.
In essence, your birth chart can uncover and discover something about your own strengths and thereby make you more clear on how to handle trials and tribulations personally and professionally. Sometimes this means creating a specific “action plan”, at other times the most powerful way to handle challenges is to become aware of their inner dynamics in yourself as well as in others and then use these insights as invitations for personal change and growth.